Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Hind Sight is 20/20

Something that has always amazed me is a person’s ability to recover. When I say recover, I am not talking about recovering from an injury or an illness. I am talking about the small recoveries people go through every day. The same way a cat seems to always land on its feet. People are able to go through difficulties, which always result in a recovery. For example, two people can argue with as much rage as two animals that are fighting over lunch and within 3 hours, they are full of happiness and back to laughing again. We as people should appreciate our deep-rooted nature. We should remember to forgive and forget. Without this pre-programmed instinct, the world would be a lonely place full of alienation. Everyone would hold grudges and not a soul would get along. So next time you argue with someone, think about this. Remember that life is too short. Do you really want to spend the time we have on Earth arguing. LET IT GO and SMILE! As the saying goes, one person cannot change the world alone. Instead, it takes the small acts of one person to start that much needed chain reaction. This was just a thought. Thank you for reading along. Your support is much appreciated.

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