Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Starting A New Blog!

Starting anything from scratch is one of the most difficult things a person can do. If an official list were created in order to track the most difficult things in the world; blogging successfully would be in the top10 (right under surviving in the wilderness with nothing but a tin can). Particularly if you wish to increase the popularity as well as the flow of in coming traffic. As someone new to the blogging world my best advice is to keep trudging forward. The only way to receive continued recognition is to write write write and write some more. It would also help your cause to think of topics people would be interested in reading. I am not guaranteeing that anyone will ever want to read what I am writing about now but the fact of the matter is I am writing. Another good idea is connecting your blog to as many networks as you can. This will ensure a decent amount of visitors. Those are just my thoughts on the wonderful world of blogging. Thanks for reading and I will be back soon with more.

Coming Soon
In addition to the items discussed in our last posting here are a few things to keep an eye out for.

- Meet the Makers Section
- Bio's on Site Contributors to Include Artist and Designers
- Charity News

Blast From the Past

Things to look for soon. 

- Info on who we are and what we are about to include an updated profile
- Merchandise
- Prices
- A shopping cart button

- Company Logo/Website
- Development information on our exclusive brand UNTITLED
-Additional Product listings in their new location under (Merchandise and New Listings)

-Donation/Charity information:
Regarding the donation buttons. For those of you who really support us and would like to donate to EANN, you may do so by clicking the donate button labeled (FOR OUR SUPPORTERS). It is also our intention to collect donations for a charity, however, we have yet to determine which charity that will be. If anyone has ideas on who we should donate to or maybe a list of charities please let us know. We would like to keep the flow of charity money to programs that give back to Asia so keep this in mind as you think of prospects. These donations will be submitted via a separate button yet to be established. I will post more information about the new button when it is available.

For more information drop us a line at: eastasianniknaks@gmail.com or Follow us on Twitter @EAnnconcepts. Thank you for following along and do not forget to comment/subscribe.


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